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The Right Time to Buy an Annuity

Not much in life comes with a guarantee, but annuities are an exception. 这些大发888dafa合同保证了退休期间的固定收入流. When it comes to purchasing an annuity, your current age and relation to retirement can make a big difference, 而购买手机的理想年龄取决于你的个人情况和目标. 适合高风险承受能力强的人的投资方式可能不适合寻求保守投资的人,反之亦然.

Understanding Annuities

Annuities are complicated. As with any investment, it is vital to understand how they work, as well as any potential pros and cons.

年金分为固定年金、指数年金、可变年金、即时年金和延期年金. Immediate annuities start paying right away, 递延年金在未来约定的日期一次性或按月支付给投资者.

Fixed-Income Annuities


Variable Annuities

支付给可变年金的保费投资于股票和债券市场, with money market options—meaning they present more risk. If you do not expect to retire for several years, 选择可变年金可以提供更多的增长机会. Remember, however, that any gains do not come with a guarantee. 还有可能出现损失,这可能会影响本金金额.

Indexed Annuities

指数化年金根据特定指数的表现支付利率. The S&P 500 is among the most common indexes used. 指数年金允许购买者在市场表现良好时获得更高的收益. 在熊市,大发888dafa合同提供一个小的,有保证的利率. 指数型年金通常推荐给那些计划在10至15年内退休的人.

Considering Your Retirement Income Needs

在考虑年金之前,计算一下你在退休期间的预期收入需求. Besides Social Security, take into account the value of any pensions, 401(k)s (or similar employer-sponsored retirement plans) and IRAs. 在决定你的退休需求时,考虑以下问题的答案也很重要:你打算完全退休还是兼职? Do your retirement plans include a lot of travel or costly hobbies? 你打算缩小房子,搬到一个更便宜的地方,还是维持你现在的家?

Maximizing the Monthly Payment

你投资年金的时间越长,你的月收入流就会越高. 如果你在65岁退休并购买年金,收入流将立即开始. 然而,如果你再等上10年,那就不会那么多了. For example, 75岁购买年金的人的月支付额高于65岁购买同样产品的人的月支付额.

Keep in mind that monthly payments are fixed amounts. They do not rise over time, but they also do not decline. 然而,随着时间的推移,变化的是每月收入中有多少被通货膨胀吞噬. This is why maximizing that income stream is critical, 因为通货膨胀会对你退休后的生活水平产生巨大影响.

How Long Will You Spend in Retirement?

生命的奥秘之一就是我们每个人都可能今天还在,明天就离开了. Nevertheless, 健康的人往往比慢性病患者活得更长, and these days, people are living longer overall. 因此,明智的做法是考虑你能活到百岁的可能性. 这意味着你必须期望在可能很长的寿命里有一笔收入. 如果你有理由期待你会有一个特别长的生命, your annuity decisions should reflect that.

For example, 如果你身体健康,而你的亲戚往往活得很老, 在购买年金之前尽可能多地等待可能是有益的. Of course, 这是基于你有足够的退休收入来维持你的生活方式的假设.

When to Buy an Annuity

The average age of an annuity holder is 70 years old. 对于那些购买即时年金的人来说,等待更长的时间意味着每月获得更高的养老金.1

In contrast, those seeking to buy a deferred annuity tend to be much younger, generally between 45 and 55. 这些年轻的买家可以承担更大的投资风险,因为他们退休的时间更长. 如果发生损失,他们有时间让他们的钱(希望)恢复. That is not the case for the older investor, 对他们来说,建议采取更保守的投资策略.

你的金融专业人士或大发888dafa代理人可以解释年金的复杂性,以及哪种合同最适合你的需要. 这些专业人士会在评估你的财务状况和目前的退休计划后,建议你在合适的时间购买年金. Annuities are not for everyone, but for some retirees, 它们是确保一个人有足够收入享受退休生活的好工具.

1., 2022

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