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Should You Sell Your Life Insurance Policy?

人寿大发888dafa的目的是为你的财产提供必要的资金来偿还债务,并给你所爱的人留下一些经济保障. However, there are instances in which you may need money, or your circumstances change, and life insurance is no longer necessary. Selling your life insurance policy is a viable option, 但在做出财务决定之前,了解这个过程是至关重要的.

重要的是要记住,有几个因素会影响人寿大发888dafa的成本和可用性, including age, health, and the type and amount of insurance purchased. 人寿大发888dafa单有费用,包括死亡和其他费用. If a policy is surrendered prematurely, 保单持有人可能还必须支付退保费,并可能有所得税义务. 在实施涉及人寿大发888dafa的策略之前,您还应该考虑确定您是否可投保. 任何与保单相关的保证都取决于开证大发888dafa公司继续支付索赔的能力.

Life and Viatical Settlements

将你的大发888dafa单卖给第三方以获得一定数额的钱被称为人寿大发888dafa结算. 你收到现金,买方现在拥有你的保单并继续支付保费. When you die, the new owner receives all the death benefits.

投保人被诊断患有绝症,预计活不过两年的, the life insurance sale is known as a viatical settlement. These settlements can pay for medical expenses and other debts, so family finances are not overwhelmed.

Life Settlement Eligibility

并不是每个人都可以出售他们的人寿大发888dafa单,因为必须符合某些条件. Generally, only those aged 65 and over qualify for a life settlement. Such policies must usually have death benefits of at least $100,000, 而且可能有一个政策必须有效的最小期限.1

Viatical settlements do not have a minimum age requirement, 但投保人的预期寿命一般不得超过两年.

Why You May Wish to Sell Your Life Insurance Policy


  • No longer having anyone reliant on the policyholder's support
  • No heirs
  • Funding retirement needs
  • Inability to continue paying the premiums
  • Needing to pay for a nursing home or other long-term care
  • Finding themselves over-insured
  • No need for the safety net provided by the policy

对于许多老年人来说,每月支付保费变得越来越沉重. After years of paying premiums, 由于越来越难以负担,他们可能面临失去大发888dafa的风险. For some seniors, 接受一次性付款是一个明智的选择,而不是简单地失去大发888dafa范围,因为保费费用.

Finding a Buyer

人寿大发888dafa销售通常需要与结算经纪人合作, who will find investors willing to purchase your policy. There is an opportunity to shop for the best deal. 您也可以与直接向您购买保单的供应商合作.

在销售人寿大发888dafa时,年龄通常是一个重要因素. Potential investors tend to favor policies held by older adults. Why? 因为他们希望在获得死亡抚恤金之前尽可能少地支付未来的保费.

如果你想推销你的保单,你应该准备好提供所有的医疗记录. Using a mathematical formula, 大发888dafa公司提供的医疗大发888dafa可以估计投保人的预期寿命.

How Much Is a Life Insurance Policy Worth?

You will likely not receive your policy's face value. On average, 人寿大发888dafa理赔的受益人得到的赔偿大约是保单现金退保价值的四倍. The death benefit value typically varies between 10 and 25 percent. This means a $100,000 policy will provide you with up to $25,000.1

影响你出售人寿大发888dafa能得到多少钱的因素包括预期寿命, its cash value, and the premium amount. 预期寿命较短的人可能会获得更大的和解金额.

When a policyholder sells their policy, 现金支付几乎总是大于保单的退保价值, but less than the death benefit.

如果你有一个大的政策,有可能只卖你需要的数量. For example, if you own a $2 million policy, you can sell half of it, retaining the rest for the beneficiaries.

最后,并不是每个出售人寿大发888dafa的人都能一次性拿到一笔钱. 有些人可能更喜欢在预定的时间内支付收入的结算方式.

Life Settlement Considerations

Before selling your life insurance policy, it is crucial to consider all the financial and practical aspects. 在做决定之前,你应该咨询财务专业人士或你的会计师. 你要确保保单的出售不会引发有害的税收义务或导致失去获得公共福利的机会, such as Medicaid.

Life settlements include all sorts of fees, and it is vital that you understand all the costs involved. 除了出售你的人寿大发888dafa,还有其他可能同样有益的选择, such as borrowing from it. 你的财务专家或大发888dafa代理人可以帮助你审查这些选择,并决定什么可能是最适合你的财务状况.

1., April 25, 2022

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