大发888dafa 阅读时间:6分钟


As a homeowner, it's natural to assume that flood damage is covered under your homeowners policy. 在某些情况下,这至少在某种程度上是正确的. 如果雷击导致水从屋顶倾泻而下, 例如, 这通常包括在你现有的大发888dafa中. 然而, 如果暴雨导致地下室淹水, 这是传统的房主政策所不涵盖的.

首页owners who live in moderate- or low-risk areas may choose to forego flood insurance, 但是看看统计数据, 这可能不是最好的选择. 根据联邦紧急事务管理局(联邦应急管理局), 仅仅一英寸的水就能造成高达25美元的损失,给你的家造成的损失, 和 20 percent of all flood claims are filed in low to moderate flood-risk areas.1,2

在本指南中, we’ll review what you need to know 和 cover some basic tips for protecting your property from whatever Mother Nature may have in store.


You may be aware that you live in a high-risk, moderate-risk, or a low-risk flood area. 但是这些术语到底是什么意思呢?


Living in a high-risk area means that there’s at least a one percent chance that the area you live in will flood every single year. That doesn’t sound like much, but it does mean that you—和 your insurance—need to account for this. 在足够长的时间里,不可能的事情就会变得不可避免. Living in a high-risk area means flood insurance is required by your mortgage lender.2


Living in a moderate- to low-risk area means that there’s less chance of annual flooding. 虽然洪水大发888dafa不是必需的,但建议购买.


在一些地区,洪水地图还没有绘制. 即使没有任何信息, it’s still recommended that you obtain a flood insurance policy if you live in one of these areas to further protect your property.


洪水大发888dafa通过国家洪水大发888dafa计划(NFIP)提供. 你可以通过你的大发888dafa代理人获得大发888dafa, 防洪政策得到了联邦政府的支持.

当你购买洪水大发888dafa时, there is typically a 30-day waiting period before your coverage comes into effect. The notable exceptions to this rule are if you’ve added or modified your mortgage 和 your flood coverage is a part of your mortgage, or if you are modifying your existing flood insurance policy during a policy renewal.3

Much like other types of insurance, your flood insurance policy renews on an annual basis. If you cancel your policy, you will remain covered for 30 days after your policy expires. 然而, 如果您在此期间蒙受任何损失, they will only be covered if you pay 和 renew your flood policy before the 30-day grace period expires.


There are a few different types of flood insurance policies, depending on your needs.

As a homeowner, you’ll need a policy that covers your home 和 everything inside it. 通常称为结构和财产大发888dafa, this type of coverage needs to be purchased separately 和 there are separate deductibles for each policy. 住宅财产可以投保高达250美元,000美元的建筑和财产可以投保高达100美元,000. 如果你住在洪水风险低的地区, ask your insurance agent if there are discounted insurance rates available to you.3

If you live outside of a high-risk flood area 和 want to purchase a flood insurance policy, the NFIP has a Preferred Risk Policy (PRP) that will combine your structure 和 belongings coverage into one policy. 然而,每种类型的大发888dafa仍然有单独的免赔额必须满足.


商业洪水大发888dafa要广泛得多. Policies cover the building, equipment inside, inventory, 和 even your building’s foundation. Much like a homeowner’s policy, structure 和 belongings policies are purchased separately. 你可以为你的生意投保最高500美元的大发888dafa,000美元,最高500美元,楼里的东西要000英镑.3


你无法控制灾难何时或如何降临, but you can take preemptive measures that will help you prepare long before floodwaters reach your door.


Even if you think you know what the flood risk is to your property, it never hurts to double-check. The Flood Map Service Center allows you to enter your address 和 confirm up-to-date flood-risk information. 你也可以向你的大发888dafa代理人确认这些信息.


We tend to only think about things like flood insurance when a disaster is imminent. Unfortunately, if a major storm is headed your way, it’s likely too late to purchase a policy. Work with your insurance agent 和 do a check-up of your current coverage to make sure that you’re properly protected.


Taking a complete inventory of all your household items is a smart move in general. A written inventory with photos helps with estate planning 和 any other insurance policies you have, 和, 当然, 如果你遭遇洪水造成的损失,它将派上用场.


将重要文件存放在安全的地方,以保护它们. 除了在场外存储物理副本之外, 保留数码副本, 如果你在处理洪水损失,这将有助于确保, 你有你需要的一切. 把你所有的重要文件放在防水的大发888dafa箱里.

  • 护照
  • 出生证明
  • 结婚证书
  • 离婚文件
  • 收养文件
  • 医学论文
  • 大发888dafa文件


而你不能给地下室防水,以抵御洪水的危险, 您可以安装一个水报警器,提醒您任何潜在的水损坏. 安装一个水泵也是个好主意, 配有备用发电机, 以防停电,让它继续运转. Keeping your gutters clear can also help divert rainwater away from your house 和 prevent any type of st和ing water from collecting on your roof.

如果洪水即将来临, move your belongings 和 furniture to the highest level of your home if it is safe to do so. 然而, remember that your physical safety is the most important thing in a flood.

而你无法控制天气, you can help protect your home 和 belongings with the right flood insurance policy. Flood insurance is a federally backed program that covers what your homeowners policy does not. Talk to your insurance agent today to make sure that you have this important coverage in place, 早在灾难降临之前.

1. FloodSmart.政府,2022
2. 联邦应急管理局.政府,2022
3. NationalFlood大发888dafa.org, 2022

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