Insurance Read Time: 4 min

Disability Insurance: Who Should Have It?

私营部门三分之二的劳动力没有长期残疾大发888dafa. 考虑到在20多岁的劳动者中,有四分之一以上的人在67岁之前将面临残疾,这令人担忧.1

Disability creates a disruption to your ability to earn an income. 考虑到在你的黄金工作年的某个时候可能会残疾, 考虑残疾大发888dafa在弥补工资和收入损失方面可以发挥的作用是很重要的.

3 Ways to Obtain Disability Insurance


  • Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI): A portion of the 6.你和你的雇主为社会保障福利支付的FICA预扣的2%.2
  • 团体残疾福利:提供短期(通常为30天)的员工福利, 13 weeks, or up to 12 months) and/or long-term (two, five, (或10年或65岁)非工作相关残疾的福利(因工作相关活动导致的残疾在工人赔偿大发888dafa范围内).
  • Individual disability insurance: Protection you can buy to cover injury, illness, or sickness that may occur either on or off the job.

Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI)

当残疾发生时,许多人指望社会保障福利来满足他们的收入需求. SSDI向那些被认为有大发888dafa的人(那些根据工作符合条件并向社会保障体系缴费的人)支付福利. 如果你因经验或教育而不能履行你所接受培训的工作的主要职责,也不能履行任何其他工作或职责,你就被视为残疾. Additionally, 由于残疾,您必须预计会死亡或病情必须持续12个月或更长时间.3

社会保障局提供的数据表明,残疾索赔的人数占所有索赔人数的一半, roughly 45 percent have been approved. It should be understood that once benefits are approved, 在福利支付给你之前还有另外五个月的等待期. 在等待批准的时间内或五个月的等待期内,您不会收到残疾补助金.4,5

Group Disability Benefits


团体福利可以填补在你等待SSDI福利期间存在的收入差距. It is important to note, however, that your disability must have originated while you were not on the job; remember, job-related injuries are handled through workers' compensation. Also, 你的雇主为福利支付的程度意味着你得到的部分或全部福利都要纳税, further reducing the amount of income you receive while disabled.

Individual Disability Insurance

个人残疾大发888dafa是你购买的大发888dafa,以应对在你残疾的情况下赚取收入的挑战. 大多数大发888dafa将为你提供大发888dafa,无论残疾是在工作中还是在工作之外发生的. Additionally, 在大多数个人保单中,残疾的定义往往比SSDI所使用的定义更广泛.


Because you pay the premiums, the benefits are typically tax-free, allowing you to keep more of the benefits. 大发888dafa按规定的百分比(如60%)支付你月收入的一部分, 67, or 70 percent, depending on the insurance company). 你不能拿到100%的收入的原因是因为该政策旨在防止“诈欺”,这句话指的是在受伤或残疾后不愿重返工作岗位,因为你得到的福利与你工作挣的一样多,甚至更多.6

Who Should Own Disability Insurance?

在你的一生中,在67岁之前成为残疾的可能性足以让你认真考虑购买残疾大发888dafa. If you are fortunate to work for an employer who provides this benefit, it is in your interest to take advantage of it. Understand, however, 这可能不足以提供你的收入,你需要履行你的经济义务,而残疾.

If you do not have a group benefit available to you, 为了保护你的收入,个人大发888dafa的费用可能是值得的. 在工作中或工作之外发生的事故可能会让你没有能力养活自己或家人. Disability insurance helps you protect against this risk.

1., 2022
2., 2022
3., 2022
4., 2021
5., 2022
6., March 14, 2022

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