大发888dafa 阅读时间:4分钟

申请人寿大发888dafa? 以下是你将会看到的

生活 insurance is an important part of your estate planning strategy. You can use it to provide money for your children’s education, 支付你的丧葬费用, 把钱留给所爱的人. Understanding what to expect and what you need in order to apply can help make the process easier.

We discuss below what you need to complete the application, 你的医疗检查可能包括什么, and what to do if you don’t pass the 健康 requirements. Keep in mind that there are several factors that will affect the cost and availability of life insurance, 包括年龄, 健康, 以及所购买大发888dafa的种类和金额. 生活 insurance policies have expenses, including mortality, and other charges. 如果保单过早放弃, the policyholder also may pay surrender charges and have income tax implications. You should consider determining whether you are insurable before implementing a strategy involving life insurance. Any guarantees associated with a policy are dependent on the ability of the issuing insurance company to continue making claim payments.

Information Needed for the 人寿大发888dafa Application

If you could just pick a policy and pay the premium, buying life insurance would be simple.

然而, there are a few more steps to consider in the process. To start, you’ll need to choose between permanent and term life insurance. A permanent life insurance policy covers you for your entire life, while term life insurance applies for a set period of time. 其他步骤和考虑因素包括:

  • Calculating how much coverage is needed (based on your spouse’s earning potential, 孩子的年龄, 当前债务水平, 每月开支及以上).
  • How to pay for the policy (annually, semi-annually, quarterly or monthly).
  • Other life insurance policies you may already have. If you already have life insurance and are applying for more than one policy, the insurer may question why you need additional coverage.
  • 你的年收入.
  • Your net worth, including assets such as real estate, stocks and cash assets.


Even though you will likely be required to undergo a medical exam as part of the application process, you should still expect medical questions on the application, 例如与下列事项有关的事项:

  • 高度
  • 重量
  • 出生日期
  • 生活习惯

如果你吸烟, drink or have other lifestyle habits that the insurer considers a risk, it may impact your eligibility for life insurance or the price you pay for your policy.


大发888dafa公司要求的体格检查各不相同. 然而, you can expect to undergo an in-person medical exam at a location approved by the insurance company. For some, this is the most uncomfortable part of the process.

考试期间, the medical professional will guide you through the requirements, 这可能包括:

  • Documentation of your medical history (including surgeries, 处方药物及其他详情)
  • 你家族病史的细节
  • 当前血压
  • 当前心跳特征
  • 身高和体重
  • 血液和尿液样本
  • Questionnaire or interview about lifestyle habits, 比如喝酒, 锻炼, 吸烟, 娱乐性毒品的使用, 旅行和某些冒险的爱好

There may be other tests depending on what policy you choose, 您的年龄或所需的大发888dafa金额. These could include a chest x-ray, an EKG or a treadmill (stress) test.

What If the 大发888dafa Company Denies My Application?

Your options if an insurer denies your application depend on the reasons for the denial. 如果你因为健康问题被拒绝了, you can seek a policy that doesn’t require a medical exam, 哪一个, 然而, 会花费更多的钱. You can also seek life insurance through your employer during an open enrollment period. These policies often don’t require a medical exam. 另外, 你可以等, work at improving the 健康 conditions under your control and try again later down the road.

Your insurance agent can help you choose the policy that works best for you and allows you to leave a legacy for your beneficiaries. 与此同时, consider making 健康y lifestyle choices so that you can support your dependents for a long time to come. This will help keep your premiums down and give you as much life insurance as your budget allows.

The content is developed from sources believed to be providing accurate information. The information in this material is not intended as tax or legal advice. It may not be used for the purpose of avoiding any federal tax penalties. 请咨询法律或税务 professionals for specific information regarding your individual situation. This material was developed and produced by 消费品套件 to provide information on a topic that may be of interest. 消费品, 有限责任公司, 不隶属于指定的经纪自营商, 国家或证券交易委员会注册的投资咨询公司. The opinions expressed and material provided are for general information, and should not be considered a solicitation for the purchase or sale of any security. 版权 消费品套件.


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