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If you're currently planning your retirement, chances are you've been told to look into annuities. 下面, we go over the basics of what annuities are and give examples of when an annuity may be right for you.


An annuity refers to an insurance contract between you and an insurer. You can pay for an annuity with a series of payments or a lump sum. When you purchase an annuity, you will receive income on a regular basis. 购买年金通常是为了实现特定的目的, 比如长期护理费用, 一生的计划, 或者遗产规划. The payments from an annuity can be deposited into a savings account, 养老金支付, 或者每月的房屋抵押贷款.

The main advantage of an annuity is that it is an investment that can provide you with guaranteed income for the remaining years of your life. As a result, annuities are a popular choice among those planning their retirement. An annuity can offer you a way to save for retirement in a tax-sheltered way. This is particularly beneficial if you've already maxed out your IRA and 401(k). 年金没有供款限额.

Keep in mind that the guarantees of an annuity contract depend on the issuing company's claims-paying ability. 年金有合同限制, 费用, 和费用, 包括帐费和管理费, 基础投资管理费, 死亡率和费用, 以及可选福利的收费. Most annuities have surrender 费用 that are usually highest if you take out the money in the initial years of the annuity contract. 提款和收入支付按普通收入征税. 如果在59岁半之前提款, a 10 percent federal income tax penalty may apply (unless an exception applies).


When it comes to putting an annuity together, you have several options. 您可以选择单次保费或多次保费, 即时或延期付款, 以及终身或固定期限的付款. 如果你存了一大笔钱, you may be able to afford paying for the annuity with a lump sum (or single premium). 然而, you also have the option of paying for the annuity over a certain period of time with a series of payments (or multiple premiums).

Next, you need to decide when you want to start receiving the payments. 你可以决定年金是即时的还是延期的. If the annuity is immediate, you will begin receiving payments immediately. Otherwise, the annuity is deferred, which means you will begin receiving payments in the future.

最后, you need to decide whether you want to receive payments from the annuity for a lifetime or a fixed period of time. 如果你选择终身年金, you will receive a fixed amount of money for the duration of your life. 然而, if you choose a fixed period annuity, you will receive payments for five to 25 years. 你可以选择定期年金的时间长短.


There are primarily two different types of annuities: fixed annuities and variable annuities.


A fixed annuity refers to a savings account that one has with an insurance company. 定期年金相当于定期存单.


Variable annuities can be viewed as a mutual fund combined with an annuity. The payments you receive from a variable annuity will depend on the performance of the mutual funds you selected. 你投入可变年金的钱会递延纳税. 这意味着, 当你开始收到可变年金的付款时, 你需要为这笔钱缴纳所得税.


When thinking about retirement, you may be wondering whether you should get an annuity. This section discusses five examples of when an annuity may be right for you.

  1. 你不想和股票市场打交道. Many retirees don't feel comfortable investing their money in the stock market because of the risks and uncertainties. When you invest money in the stock market, the value of the investment can go up or down. By contrast, an annuity will help preserve the principal value of your investment.
  2. You want to know exactly how much interest you will make from your investment. An annuity, particularly a fixed annuity, will offer you fixed returns. 可变年金为你提供可变收益. 然而,仍然有一个保证的最低回报.
  3. 你想要的收入是可预测和有保证的. If you want income that you can count on for the rest of your life or for a certain period of time, 年金是一个不错的选择.
  4. 你想要替代长期护理大发888dafa. If long-term care insurance policies are not affordable for you or simply not a good option, 你可以拿年金代替.
  5. 你无法获得人寿大发888dafa. An annuity can provide many of the same advantages as a life insurance policy. Therefore, if you can't get a life insurance policy, an annuity may be a suitable alternative.

An annuity can be an excellent option for a retiree who wants to sufficiently fund their retirement in a secure and guaranteed manner. 有关年金的更多信息,请不要犹豫与我们大发dafa888澳门.

The content is developed from sources believed to be providing accurate information. The information in this material is not intended as tax or legal advice. It may not be used for the purpose of avoiding any federal tax penalties. 请咨询法律或税务 professionals for specific information regarding your individual situation. This material was developed and produced by 消费品套件 to provide information on a topic that may be of interest. 消费品, 有限责任公司, 不隶属于指定的经纪自营商, 国家或证券交易委员会注册的投资咨询公司. The opinions expressed and material provided are for general information, and should not be considered a solicitation for the purchase or sale of any security. 版权 消费品套件.


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